Member-only story
I cut out alcohol from my diet and this is what happened.
As a young adolescent teenager or college student, in America, there is something that starts to become constantly encouraged and accepted by the society around you, and that is alcohol. It’s all around you and probably has been since you were growing up. You see it in tv commercials, movies, restaurants, family gathers, and social media. Alcohol is something that culturally we have found a way to integrate into our lives and society has entirely normalized drinking and quite frankly, encourages it.
Yet the more “normal” and “accepted” alcohol becomes, the easier it is for more people to overlook the dangers of alcohol abuse.
I was just as wrapped up in it as anyone else. I had my first drink in high school and since then, continued to drink at common social events. Every weekend your friends would want to hang out, drink a couple of beers, have a good time and have fun. Yet, the problem starts when those fun weekends with your pals become every weekend, a couple of times a week after work, social events, parties, birthdays, holidays, etc. Society makes sure to give you as many possible events and reasons to drink.
Peer Pressure
While many think peer pressure ends after high school or college, for many adults it doesn’t. Visiting friends, going to social or family events, and even coworkers who make it a habit to grab a…